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How Does Computers Works And Their Uses

How Does Computers Works And Their Uses In 2022?

Introduction to Computers

The full form of the Computer is Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research.

Definition of Computer

A Computer accepts the input from the User as raw data in electronic or digital format and then processes data, giving output to the User as a result. Nowadays Computer has become one of the essential devices in our daily life because Computer works to make our work easy, accurate, fast and effective.

Computer plays a vital role as it is used at all places such as bus stands, Railway stations, Air Ports, Banks, hospitals, Malls, Shopping centers, Schools, offices, At our homes, etc.

In this article, I will be going to cover how does Computers works and their uses.

5 Main Types of Computers:

  1. Supercomputer
  2. Mainframe computer
  3. Mini-computer
  4. Workstation
  5. PC (Personal Computer)

I will detail how these 5 types of computer works and their uses.

1) Super Computer

A supercomputer is the world’s fastest Computer that can store and retrieve large amounts of data in fractions of a second. The Supercomputer’s performance is much higher than our desktop or personal computers.

The processing speed of supercomputers is measured in FLOPS (Floating Point Operations per second. Supercomputers have thousands of processors that can perform trillions of processes per second. The size of a supercomputer is much larger than a few meters to hundreds of meters.

The super Computer works on a cluster-based system for massive parallel computing. A cluster system means using multiple processes in one system for computing instead of connecting to several computer networks. A super computer’s price is very high, above lakhs of dollars. That was about how does computers works.

Uses Of Supers Computers

Supers Computers are not used in our daily tasks. They are used in heavy real-time processing applications such as Nuclear Research centers and weather forecasts. The military also uses supercomputers for analyzing air crafts, Weapon tanks, and Smart missiles.

2) Mainframe computer

In the older days, the Computer was bulky in size, like a big house. But now, the Main frames computers refer to the enormous server live computers that run the entire Organization.

Mainframe computers are the costly and large ones mainly used by large organizations for complex applications. Main Frame computers are designed for high-speed data processing and storing sensitive data.

Mainframe computers are enormous in size of the big room. Still, the mainframes are smaller but more extensive than the mini-computer or personal computers. Mainframe computers have a vast storage capacity that uses disk or tape and store data in Gigabytes and Terabytes.

Mainframe computers are much faster than highly configured desktop computers. The prices of mainframes computers are more than lakh and millions and move on. That was about how does computers works.

Uses Of Mainframe computers

Mainframe systems are used in Banking sectors, IT Services Sectors, government agencies, Ticket reservations, etc.

3) Mini Computers

Mini computers are known as mini because they are small in size. The mini Computer has all the features that Super and micro Computers have, but mini-computers are small. Mini computers are also known as mid-range computers.

The mini-computer system is usually based on multi-user systems that enable parallel work with more than one User. That is why it is also known as a multiprocessing system. That was about how does computers works.

Uses Of Mini Computers

Mini computers are used for business transactions, Storing files, managing mid-level databases, Controlling manufacturing processes, File handling, and Scientific and engineering computations.

4) Workstation

A workstation is a group of computers connected to one network to perform a task. A Workstation computer is designed to achieve various professional jobs. Generally, workstation computers are sets of standard Computers, but they are highly optimized to make them capable of heavy tasks. That’s how does computers works.

Uses Of Workstation Computers

Workstation computers are used for video editing, rendering, and scientific and engineering calculations, and also used for designing models and Civil Arcituctures structures using Autocad, Revit, Lumion, etc.

Important Computer Components

  1. RAM = Random Access Memory
  2. HDD = Hard Disk Drive
  3. SMPS = Switched Mode Power Supply Or PSU = Power Supply Unit
  4. PCB = Printed Circuit Board or Motherboard
  5. CPU = Central Processing Unit or Processor

We will dive deep into all computer components, how does Computers works and its uses.

1) RAM

The full form of the RAM is Random access Memory. RAM is a Volatile Memory. RAM provides temporary storage memory, and RAM is a primary memory. Ram Is a read/ write memory.

When you turn ON your Computer, the operating system files and other applications are retrieved from Harddisk and stored in RAM to keep data easily accessible for the processor, which can quickly find the data to complete the specific task.

The Computer uses RAM for temporary storage because it’s faster than regular storage devices. Whenever you open any applications, Prepare new documents, spreadsheets, etc., all stored in RAM until you save the files.

Because after saving the files, they are stored in Harddisk and will remain forever after the shutdown or there is an electric power cutoff.

But suppose if you have not saved your files and if there is a sudden power cut off, then you will lose those unsaved files because until you save the files stored in RAM and RAM is a temporary memory, it loses the data after we shut down the Computer. This how does computers works with the help of RAM.

2) HDD

The full form of HDD is Hard Disk Drive. A hard disk is a secondary storage device. Hard Disk is a non-volatile memory, and Hard Disk is slower than RAM but has a more extensive data storage capacity than RAM.

The hard disk drive consists of the spindle, disk platter, actuator, actuator arm, and reads/write head. The central part of Harddisk is the circuit board or logic board that controls the motor speed, actuator, arm of the hard disk head, etc. the HDD is operated at 5 to 12 v Dc voltage.

Hard Disk stores all kinds of files, software, Operating system, and Programs. All the data stored in Harddisk will remain forever until you delete the files. Harddisk helps to keep the data like video, audio, text documents, pdf, files, folders, etc., in digital or electronic form. This how does computers works with the help of HDD (Hard Disk Drive).

3) SMPS or PSU

The full form of SMPS is Switched Mode Power Supply. The SMPS is also known as PSU. The full form of PSU is Power Supply Unit.

SMPS is an electronic circuit that converts AC (Alternate Current) current to DC (Direct Current) using the switching regulators to convert electric power efficiently.

SMPS consists of an Input rectifier, Output rectifier, voltage filters, Transformer, inductors, capacitors, diodes and MOSFETs, etc. The job of SMPS is to convert the voltage into the Computer operating DC voltage range.

SMPS is highly powered, efficient and capable of handling temperature proficiently with an operating efficiency of 70 to 75 %. SMPS are small in size and also lightweight. SMPS is used in different applications such as CCTV Camera Installation, servers, power stations, Security systems, Charging Batteries, personal & Desktop computers. This how does computers works with the help of SMPS or PSU.

4) PCB or Motherboard

The computer motherboard is also known as Main Board, System Board, Logic Board, PCB, etc. The full form of PCB is (Printed Circuit Board).

The motherboard is a mainboard and the leading and most extensive part of the Computer in the computer cabinet. It is one of the most crucial parts of a Computer because all components are connected to the motherboard to work correctly and efficiently.

The motherboard helps to provide connectivity between the different computer hardware components and peripherals such as RAM, Processor, Hard Disk, CPU or Processor, and Graphics Card. The motherboard comes in different shapes and sizes that depend on the manufacturer. This how does computers works with the help of PCB or Main Board.

5) CPU or Processor

The full form of CPU is Central Processing Unit. CPU is known as the brain of the Computer. It helps in processing and executing instructions. The CPU is considered the core component of every system, such as smartphones, computers, laptops, tablets, etc. because the processor is used in various electronic devices.

CPUs comprise billions of microscopic transistors onto a single computer chip. These transistors help solve complex calculations to run different applications stored in Computer’s memory.

The CPU takes the instructions from a program or application and performs various calculations. These calculation processes are categorized into 3 stages: Fetching, Decoding and Executing.

The process starts by fetching the instructions from RAM, then the CPU decodes the instructions and generates the result by executing the instructions by the CPU. This execution involves various calculations such as basic arithmetic and numbers and functions around the computer memory.

CPU cost starts from 100- 1000 bucks to Lakhs of Rupees depending on the cores, threads and clocks. This how does computers works with the help of CPU or Processor.

How Does Computers Works and Its Uses?

The Computer works with the help of all the essential components such as RAM, Hard Disk, Processor, SMPS, and Motherboard. The Computer will not function properly if any of the parts are missing. Computers generally work on Binary numbers 0 and 1, which means 0 is Off, and 1 is On.

The Computer works on three processes input, process, and output.

Input: Means when the User enters the data

Process: This means when the system process the data

Output: This means the system generates relevant results for the User.

The Computer has different names such as personal Computer, Desktop computer, Server computer, micro-computers, etc. Computer word is derived from the word phrase known as computing (Calculating).

Where are computers used?

Computers are everywhere: Airports, Schools, Colleges, Railway Stations, Cinema Halls, Bus Stands, Corporate Offices, Banks, Hospitals, etc. There is a massive list of where are Computer used.

In our daily life, we are using Smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. are also examples of computers because all these devices work in the same ways as the computer works. 

Learn More About Working Of Laptops

Conclusion - How Does Computers Works And Its Uses?

In this article, I have discussed the crucial components of the computer system in detail. And the 5 types of computers used to make our life easier and better and the uses of these computers.

I have covered the individual components in detail so that it would be easy to understand for all readers how does computers works and its uses.

I have also mentioned the examples of 5 types of computers and where they are used. I hope you have gained knowledge about how does computers works and their uses. Then please share this post with your friends and family.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What Is The Importance Of Computer?

Nowadays, the Computer is very important because it is a Very Fast, Accurate, Effective and Time-Saving machine that works easily on any allotted task.

What Is The First Step To Turn ON your Computer?

In simple steps, you can Turn ON your Computer. First, you should connect the computer power cable to your power switchboard and switch it ON. Now locate the power button on the computer cabinet and press it to turn ON your Computer. Now you will see the computer logo or Operating System loading on the screen. Wait until your desktop background and Icons appear.

Do Computers Need Electricity?

Yes, Computer runs on electricity. It consumes 250 to 350Watts/Hour, and if it is a gaming PC, it will consume 450 to 850 Watts/Hour, Depending on your computer configuration.

What Is The Brain Of A Computer?

The CPU is the Brain of Computer. CPU process the input data, stores data, and gives output. CPU manages the flow of instructions on when and how to process and store the data.

Where Is Data Stored On A Computer?

Computer primarily uses HDD (Hard Disk) or SSD (Solid State Drive) to store the data inside your computer system. But if Required, other secondary storage devices such as Pendrive, CD, DVD, Magnetic tape drive, External HDD, Etc. can be used to store data.

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